I got some questions about virtual machine / notebook setup for my Business Intelligence in SQL Server 2016 DevWeek post-conference workshop. I am writing this blog because I want to spread this information as quickly as possible.
There will be no labs during the seminar, no time for this. However, I will make all of the code available. Therefore, if the attendees would like to test the code, they need to prepare their own setup. I will use the following SW:
Windows Server 2012 R2
SQL Server 2016 components
- Database Engine
- R Services
- SQL Server Management Studio (this is not included in SQL Server setup anymore)
- SQL Server Data Tools
- R Tools for Visual Studio
- R Studio
Excel 2016 Professional Plus with add-ins
- MDS add-in
- Power Pivot
- Power Query
- Power Map
- Power View
- Azure ML add-in
Excel 2013 Professional Plus with add-ins
- Data Mining add-in (this add-in does not work for Excel 2016 yet, this one is announced for Excel 2016 only later this year, after SQL Server 2016 release)
Power BI Apps and Services
- Power BI Desktop
- Power BI Service (they need to create a free account at PowerBI.com)
- Azure ML (they need to create a free account at AzureML.com)
Mobile Publisher
AdventureWorks demo databases version 2016, 2014 or 2012
I know the list is long:-) However, nobody needs to test everything. Just pick the parts you need and you want to learn about.
See you soon!